THE TABLE is a simple, Spirit-led worship gathering for ordinary people who are looking to know God more, and to love Him – heart soul and mind, and to love others deeply and practically. We gather on Saturday nights to dig into the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus, and to eat and drink from the table of grace He has prepared for us. We sing a few songs, pray a few prayers, testify or ask questions when we need to, bless the children and we pray for each other.
Our weekly gatherings end with some food (sometimes just snacks, sometimes a full-fledged feast) and time around the table, encouraging and spurring one another on in the faith. We enjoy communion regularly to anchor us in remembering Christ’s death, rejoicing in His resurrection and the salvation it has provided for us, and to eagerly anticipate His return. We literally meet in a school cafeteria, which is so appropriate!
We don’t provide childcare—YET, but we love children and they are welcome, too!
This Eucharistic Prayer expresses our heart so well:
“This is the Table, not of the church, but of the Lord.
It is made ready for those who love Him and for those who want to love Him more.
So come, You who have much faith and you who have little,
You who have been here often and you who have not been here long,
You who have tried to follow and you who have failed.
Come, because it is the Lord who invites you.
It is His will that those who want Him should meet Him here.
Come to the Table.”
There is always plenty in the Father’s house, and room at the table for you.
Text Pastor Dave @ 720-363-0128
The Table of Grace Church meets in the Café of New Hills Church 5061 E. 160th Ave Brighton, Colorado 80602 Saturday nights at 6 PM, door open at 5 PM.